Understanding Humanity And Purpose Of Sexuality- Sacred Sexuality


Ever Wonder About Evolving Sexually??? Why The Word "Sex" Been Tabooed ?? What Is Tantric Sex...?? Have You Explored Your Self ? Self Love? Self Orgasm...??

"Humanity & Sexuality", It's Not About Making Sex..It's All About Being In Sex. Inspire Thru Sex! Sharing My Niche Towards Our Bliss & Evolution, So Perceive It Openly Or Rather Intuitively Ya •
First, Admit It..We Are All Byproducts Of Sex!! It Happens Cosmically(Universe) And In Microcosmic (All Living Being) Based On Polarity. Sex Is Not Meant Only For Reproduction. That's A Choice. Sex Is Beyond That. To Be Ignorant About Ourselves, Our Sexuality, About Self Love, Unconditional & Selfless Love And Our Evolution, Defeats The Birth Purpose.

The Movement Of Electrons In A Copper String Is Called Electricity. Likewise, The Circulatory Movement Of Life In Body Is Called Life Force Circulation. The Quality Of Electrons And The Electric Capacity Depend Upon The Level Of Acid And Its Quality In The Battery. Same Way, The Quality Of Life Circulation Depends On Sexual Fluid. Lack And Depletion Of It Will Result In Weakening, In Turn Affects The Body, Mind And Spirit. Our Physiques, Character And Mindset Speaks The Kinda Sexual Fluid We Are Made Of

Taboo or Not, Individual Perceptions Owns It. Our Body Is The Temple, Our Sexual Energy Render Its Being And What We Are Made Of : Devil, Divine or Human..To Be Open, Honest & Bettering Within Consensuals Or Comitted Partners Could Prevent Demons, i.e, STDs , Etc s & Energy Exploiters! When Sex Is Exploited, Then It Loses Its Sacrecy. Channel The Energy Wisely With The Right Ones. Loads Of Subtle Messages Are Exchanged When We Are Wired With Each Other. It Will Either Lift You To Higher Realm Or Drain Us Down To Darkness, Every Success And Failure Depends On How This Energy Is Natured, Nurtured & Balanced. All Evolutionary Aspirants Pertain To The Same Principles Of Sex..
Get In Touch With Personal Gurus To Learn The Sexual Energy Channeling or Email Me For Personal/Group Coaching.

Chapter 5 Of My Publication 7 Ancient Secrets For Age Reversal Will Touch On How To Become Organic With Orgasm And Sexual Transmutation Techniques That Will Help In Promoting Good Well Being, Better Sexual Performance, Contentment In Various Aspects Of Life Including Relationship, Career, Family And Goals. Our Character Is Build By The Kinda Sexual Fluid We Are Made Of. The Energy At Sacral Chakra Is The Most Powerful Creative & Dynamic Force To Manifest Almost Everything In Life. So In This Book, You'll Learn The Techniques That Will Help  To Achieve Goals & Abundance.


You Too Can Become Immortal With 7 Ancient Secrets For Age Reversal..


So To Evolve Further By Understanding Sex,.....Stay Tuned For My Next Update On Sexuality.......Catch Up!


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