Light Body Transmutation-The Art Of Becoming Light
 Knowing, wanting, excited and aspiring to become Light??? Some basics to anticipate...As 3D Humans, our bodily cells, tissues and membranes contains Carbon and Hydro Carbons as the base from what we eat, ingest, absorb and in contact with. Carbon being an amorphous(without clear defined shape/form), thus, it does not allow cells to hold Lights. So firstly, Cellular made Carbons need to be transmuted into higher vibrating Crystalline structures which could hold more natural Light (mainly from Sun and all natural components that holds the sunlight) in order to be " Light Body's". Secondly , in tandem with cells, our Genes which encodes instructions and information to perform as Humans need to be activated too (meaning the 90% junk DNA needs activation via subtle frequencies for higher intelligence and intuitive). Hence , it's the capacity of the cells and gene to hold more profound Light force (Prana) that will make us "Luminous"!!

It's crucial as for Humans and other inhabitants to shift the physiques, mental, intellect & spirituality in order to experience and live in Light Age because the gross body can't take up much lights. On the other hand if a person is simple, heart centered, manifest "Divine" qualities in various faculties, the Universe shall guide him towards these process without external tangible guide.. How many are in these categories??
In conjunction with phenomenal happenings at the Cosmic level, the huge Galactic alignment, transit of Jupiter, our on going entry towards Photon belt and completion of various cycles that gives us access to enormous spiritual energies, it's important to identify that we are non other than Love of Light and therefore all Glory goes to the Superior Intelligence ultimately!! Stay tuned with, perhaps upon finding your Spiritual teachers/guides or your direct Supreme Knowers to find your calling and answer....
The Ever Evolving Conscious State Represented By The Ascending Chakra Enlightenment. Higher Order Conscious Sense


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