'Siva' The Primodial Force, simply means Aadhi Guru, Aadhi Yogi referring to the Ultimate Primordial Teacher. The intelligence within self. Evolving our selves from the common human to super human being. Siva, the gap between the first breath to life...

Unlike other doctrines, my perception will view Siva from various realm. Every plant seed gets its imprints, instructions and information, DNA coding in the darkness of soil before it expresses as a unique specific plant growing towards the sunlight. In similar, a fully formed baby will only be expressed out to the light world after 9 months gestation in the darkness of a mother’s womb. 
Every concept in life will render to duality. If there is light, the will be darkness. When there is matter, anti matter exist. If there is mind, there is anti-mind too. Time to timeless, sound to soundless, movable and the unmovable. Gravity, anti-gravity, electron and proton, positive-negative, static-kinetics, male and female.

Unleash The Duality In You
Find Siva In You!!!
Ultimate Guide Towards Your Super Being...

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